Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Little Boy

2-year-old child who can’t even eat candy knows how to smoke skillfully and curse shocks people.

The child’s parents sell fish at a food market, and since there are some bad people there, the bad behavior of the adults present led to what we see in this video. The original poster also says that this child’s behavior fully illustrates the meaning of the saying “With good people you learn to be a good person, with bad people you learn to be a bad person.”

The innocent and angelic child is blameless. With the exception of a small number of people that take this as a form of entertainment, most people vehemently condemn the adults in this child’s life. Many people think this child’s parents are disgraceful, and many also insult those that stand and gawk at the scene for a laugh.

[In the video] The child dexterously take the cigarette tucked behind his ear, his right hand with a cigarette and his left holding up a lighter. Possibly because his hand isn’t strong enough, he flicks the lighter but fails to light the cigarette. The child simply places the cigarette directly in his mouth, both hands holding the lighter to light up the cigarette. After it’s lit, he uses all his strength to inhale twice, and then rests the cigarette between the index and middle fingers of his right hand. Glowing with pride, he starts smoking in front of the adults.

Video Link


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