Saturday, August 9, 2008


Character: You have deeply held spiritual beliefs and feel that magic exists underneath everything. You believe the world should be a place of universal love and equality, are fiercely protective of your family, and have an enormous heart.

Life path: You have a strong shielding instinct for those you love, even when they are in the wrong, but you can feel let down or disappointed if they fall from the lofty pedestals you place them on. Occasionally it is necessary to be more objective or you could end up going against your own principles. Put yourself first sometimes.

Love: Venus, the planet of love, is both your birth date ruler and your ruling planet. Venus bestows on you great magnestism and abundance in the love stakes. Choose wisele,y because you tend to be lovestruck rapidly and completely, becoming so committed that you are blind to any faults. Why not choose a Libra whose ruling planet is also the gentle Venus?

Occupation: Actor, singer, fashion designer
Key features: Faithful, dedicated, devoted
Naturally good at: Loving others with your very soul

Best present: Love letter, home-cooked meal

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