anyway! today was a rather bad day for me :( the story goes like this:
i was trying really hard not to sleep, which i did eventually! then teacher F woke me up, & asked me to read a paragraph from the textbook. so i read, & as i was reading, someone came into the classroom so there's some commotions, drowning out my voice. People me just woke up so my voice will be very soft & cute. haha! she asked me repeat which i say i don't want to since i already finish reading! the argument started. -.-" i was so pissed off! simply listened to her speech & used the textbook to cover my face & was playing sudoku!
the worse part have yet to come. i was telling benny that teacher F confirm will complain to teacher L. & it came true! haha! genius me.. so teacher L came to talk to me trying to ask me to apologize to the teacher. i know i'm in the wrong for sleeping but for the first time in my life, someone said i might be trying to suck up to her! serious. it was the first time ever!
argh! & i totally hate people threatening me! anyway if i'm not selected for any events it's really alright, it's just that this is the last year in school & i wanted to participate in those trips. if i'm UNseleceted, so be it. it's not as if the teachers are the ones paying for the trip. it's the school & government! boo!
okay! complain finish already :) so contented now. shall go watch some video before my beauty sleep!
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